The NewAer SDK lets you build applications that become aware of the presence of other devices. The SDK makes it easy to see devices of many different types:

  • Wearable devices such as Fitness Devices and Tracking Tags
  • Mobile devices that are running applications with the NewAer SDK
  • iBeacons
  • WiFi access points
  • Bluetooth Standard Devices (OSX only)

NewAer allows your application to detect these devices and interact with them. NewAer SDK devices can communicate with each other by direct peer-to-peer messaging, removing the need for a central server. The NewAer SDK discovers devices and services using a combination of the radios available on the device such as Wifi, Bluetooth, and Bluetooth LE.

For more information on requirements of this SDK and guidelines on use, please see Intro to NewAer SDK.

Use of this SDK is governed by NewAer SDK License.

Please also see the Release Notes.

Programming Guides

Class References

Protocol References