
How to meet 1000 people in a weekend

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Some 999 odd lucky others and I spent last weekend together on a cruise ship that left the port of Miami, and had no idea where it was going. You see, it was the journey that we were there for, not the destination. We went to network and listen to speakers like Richard Branson interviewed by Chris Sacca, Russell Simmons, Gary Veynerchuk and Tim Ferriss. These names were our hook to come, and they were good, but what turned out to be better was being in the company of the most amazing A-type scrappy entrepreneurs from around the world. This all took place on an invite only event called Summit at Sea, produced by the team at summitseries.com on Twitter @summitseries & hashtag #SASea. I was lucky to have several friends from prior conferences like Kinnernet on the boat, and even luckier to have my two best friends invited too, on coincidentally what I call my best birthday. Ever.

Before getting into my story, I must thank the team of Jeff, Elliott, Ron, Brett, Jeremy, Josh and all the other staff who made sure we were hydrated, stimulated and engaged on our three day tour. They spent untold man and woman hours converting a stuffy cruise ship into a conference and concert hall, dance club and platform to bring innovators together like no other conference I have attended. They achieved the transformation with flying colors and glow sticks. Even the staff on the ship were blown away by our energy and enthusiasm.

This venue was perfect for me – you see, I love networking. I live for telling and hearing stories from entrepreneurs. As a lifetime technology guy, I started going to computer club meetings before I could drive myself to them and have always been into the human connections around technology. Anything to make connecting better or faster is right up my alley. Oh, and thanks for the rides to the computer club so long ago mom and dad!

Back to the matter at hand. Meeting a thousand people, even within the contained hull of a 12 story ship turns out to be impossible even for an extravert like me. There are just too many interesting people to meet and even miss-matched conversations, activities and cat-naps taking precious time out of the day and night. Since the networking went on throughout the night, the mantra “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” became crucial to maximize connections.

So how could we optimize this? All attendees were given a Poken which is simply a hand shaped, USB charged and synced plastic gadget that you can high-five with another same to exchange device IDs with someone else. These IDs are mapped to online user profiles, so when you plug yours into your computer, a website will match your collected IDs to human identities. However, two days into the event they started glowing yellow then red on the last day on the ship. Was the battery dying? I thought so, but no. We were coming up against the limit of just 64 identities being able to be stored within the device.

Worse yet, it was hard to see the green acknowledgment light in the sunlight of the Caribbean, so several connections that I made during the day turned into ghosts in the machine. My real issue was the lack of a real-time referral engine within the device. As a “connector” I frequently bring like minded individuals together. As I mentioned miss-matched connections above, those who did not relate to my likes and interests, were frequently people whom I would like to connect to my friends who share their interests. There was no way to do this on the Poken, a gadget that is no more than an infrared code exchanger.

As we were at sea, with limited (read: costly) Internet connectivity, the offline nature of the conference was both a positive and negative. We were thankfully forced to interact with one another face to face versus use our “digital adult pacifiers” aka smartphones. There was an intranet on the boat with information on the attendees, but our Poken was not attached to this for real-time info. If you wanted to look people up, you had to do so manually on your own accord. There was no “who is relevant to me nearby” that I dreamed of.

So the problem lies there. Even if you could get around and talk to 999 other people, you could only hold a fraction of them in your electronically augmented memory bank then had to remember whom you wanted to connect to your friends and colleagues. What we needed was an online or offline, forwarding capable device with a filtering mechanism for matching like-minded individuals. Simple?

Well, it’s not as hard as you think it would be with the use of our proximity platform. The solution goes like this; Identities of the attendee smartphones wirelessly broadcast their IDs, much like the Poken, but at a range that would be readable by people that you could see within a room. Metal walls of a ship would likely block these signals between walls and floors. This means that the “filter” of people in attendance to a guest speaker would be a first level of like mindedness among attendees.

These IDs would too be matched back to identities via the intranet or Internet, but thanks to the screen of a smartphone, and the intelligence of a back-end database with filtering done at a further level. You could find people who match your interests and chose whom you wish to speak to in an effort to be more efficient with your time. You could also forward connections to those who are not a “match” to your friends who are. An artificial intelligence layer on your mobile phone could sift through hundreds of people in a room effortlessly and give you the dozen or two that you could benefit from meeting. Now I do not envision this as a replacement for human connections and serendipity, as I made some amazing connections with people who are not in my domain expertise, but as they say time is money. With what became a “way too short weekend” we could never meet all 1000 great people on the cruise.

So there is a quick productization of the ultimate human connector and time saver. This has been attempted with GPS satellite geo fencing, RFID “radio tags” and QR codes; but our platform enables your everyday Android and iPhone to achieve this type of proximity connectivity with just our intelligent engine inside a room. Without new hardware or a clear view of the sky.

So what do you think? Are you ready for the future of human connections at your next conference?

SXSW Wrap up – We are coming for an Interactive award in 2012!

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As I write this we are at 32,000 feet headed from Austin to the West Coast. This year’s SXSW Interactive show brought us new friends, new collaborations and a lot of great visibility! We are most excited about partnering with other developers and device manufacturers to bring you even cooler products and services to automate your digital life. Announcements to come on that front!

We started SXSW with a ToothTag demo at the Team Android challenge via Androidandme.com sponsored by Appolicious to hundreds of people in an outdoor patio. Even our buddy Robert Scoble was in attendance showing his love for the platform. A huge thanks goes out to our buddy Matthias Galaca of ShareSquare who helped mange the onslought of questions from excited developers and users!

The Los Angeles based gang at My Location Scouts had us on their web cast and were as excited about what we are up to! Look for a pending video here: http://www.youtube.com/user/mylocationscouts

At the SXSW Next Stage the team from Watchitoo had us on their live web cast that ran on the SXSW.com trade show page. Even better was that our lead-in was the guys from Funny or Die. They were cracking us up taking Tweets from the audience for topics of skits to perform! http://sxsw.com/interactive/trade_show

The #SamsungSXSW blogger lounge hosts invited us to talk on stage with our friends Tom Conrad of Pandora Radio, and Damien Basile @db from Addieu. The three of us investigated intelligence from the cloud and accessing it via mobile devices – two of our favorite things!

Here’s what some people are saying about us in the press:
Right before SXSW, at the DEMO Conference, Google’s Don Dodge said “It’s a platform for connecting all kinds of devices, phones, cars and appliances and letting you know when they’re in proximity to you.” Network World – Meet Google’s human search engine for innovation.

On the Huffington Post Steve Rosembaum said “If you want to see into the future, take a look at ToothTag.” http://t.co/CnQnk1Z We predicted correctly that statement brought us joy!

Finally, our G4TV buddy Chris Hardwick @nerdist and nerdist.com MC’d the SXSW Interactive awards on Tuesday eve, the last day of the Interactive show. Not only did he crack us up with his sharp as a razor blade humor, we were inspired more than ever to come back next year to land a prize for ourselves. It’s amazing what technology has done to grow this conference from an anti-social overly-geeky “wearable tech clothing” event in the late 1990’s to “IRL connections from social sites” of today. Rest assured, we have some killer ideas for what will make this conference even more interactive and “automagic” than it has ever been before!

Now it’s back to our comfy beds and back to work. Developing the best platform to allow mobile developers the ability to easily integrate proximity into their apps. We will see you in Austin for 2012, but until then, here’s to some more cool stuff now!

Meet us in Austin for SXSW 2011!

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Every year in the middle of March, students pack their bags and head to warmer climates. For those in the tech circles, SXSW Interactive draws thousands of social media and Internet affectionados from around the world to Austin Texas, for what I call “geek spring break.”

Team NeuAer got to Austin Sunday night and was honored to be a presenter at the Team Android Choice Awards. This event is all about showcasing the best and most innovative Android apps at SXSW. We shared the stage with hometown Austin favorite Gowalla and our own favorite app, Spark. Android has a unique feature over the iPhone called active wallpaper. Typically this is a “live” fish tank or interactive based upon weather, like snow accumulating on the screen when it is snowing. Their unique take on it is a full news, sports and weather screen that integrates with your mobile desktop. Reminds us of Pointcast, a favorite of the 1998 Internet days!

There is a lot to see and many people to meet at SXSW, and we’d love to meet you as well! Reach out to us on our social media connections like @NeuAer or @ToothTag and lets connect in Texas! We will never turn down a BBQ or Shiner request!

Off we go with a Best Technology win at Launch 2011!

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We would like to give a big thanks to Jason Calacanis and his Grand Jury at Launch.is for providing NeuAer with an awesome venue to launch our ProxPlatform and the first application built to our API, ToothTag.

We are working feverishly to ensure that our ProxPlatform is compatible with the myriad of software and hardware versions of Android, and in the near future, iOS devices. Stay tuned for our forthcoming ProxPlatform API launch. In the mean time, we are working with a dozen other developers to make sure we have anticipated other apps technology needs for the first proximity platform. Once these apps are ready, we will open the API for all to write to! If you want consideration into a test platform, please email developer at neuaer.com!

Download the App ToothTag for Android here: ToothTag in the Android Marketplace

Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/neuaer and keep up to date with the application http://twitter.com/toothtag as well!